Tag Archives: speedlite

Another photographic adventure this weekend. In true obsessive fashion, I brought my new light stand/umbrella combo to Boise. Yesterday, we went out into the same fields we visited last summer to take some dusk shots with the new gear. Then today, we took a drive out to an abandoned, rusted-out car to get some more sunset shots. Well worth it. The gear worked great. Especially the gorillapod. I have to give Natalie and Greg a special shout-out for that one. Thanks, guys. One downside to trying out new gear…it makes me crave even more new gear. A cruel cycle that never fails.

  • MGFaraday


  • Harsh Patel

    I love this shoot! Really nice work (and Serene looks great as always). HP

In a couple of hours, I’ll be gone ’til March, leaving a trail of smoke behind me.  The first part of my trip is pretty melancholy, but I am very thankful to be able to support a friend and his family.  Then on to much warmer weather (although work might literally keep me from direct sunlight).  Tonight, I finally decided to try some smoke trails.  I have been meaning to for months, and here are my first results.

Fraternal Twins

Burning Trio


  • Thanks. They are photos…of smoke from a stick of incense.

  • Dana, wow these are really neat — they’re photographs?? They’re a great combination of orderly and random shapes.

  • Slewis

    Pretty. Clean. Interesting to look at.

I spent this weekend in frigid New York City to celebrate our anniversary, spend some time with friends, and take a really, REALLY needed break from work. While Serene was grocery shopping, I negotiated a trashcan from the security guard to capture an HDR image of Lincoln Center. Lisa was kind and patient enough to put up with me blasting a flash in her face (at Panang, an upper west side restaurant), and Serene captured a great high contrast image of me that I couldn’t resist sharing.