Tag Archives: split toned

Three-month-old Bridget recently traveled from San Francisco to New York for an extended visit with family (accompanied by mom and dad, of course).   It was the first time Bridget met her big cousin, Nicholas, and a great opportunity for some family pictures.  Nicholas had just started walking one week before and absolutely loves the camera…and not just posing for it.  Perfect weather and a beautiful beach provided a gorgeous setting.  Sarah and Eric, thanks for letting me be a part of your day.

As difficult as it feels sometimes, I’m learning that there is a lot of value in being seen, known, and understood…its the whole being open part that I find so challenging.  This image of the wife of a close friend (taken at a recent wedding) is a friendly reminder of that.  When Beatrice pays attention, she seems to look into you…and always with love.  True friends always care about how you’re doing…and somehow manage to never judge.

  • Akintayo Adewole

    That image gave me wonderful chills… beautiful picture and words… thank you, thank you, thank you… can’t wait to show Bea.

  • Thank you, Bridget. I am lucky enough to be surrounded constantly by great people.

  • Mary, thank you so much for the kind words. I’m really glad that you enjoy the images and definitely appreciate your feedback. Good luck settling down after what sounds like a fabulous trip to Asia.

  • Wow. I’ve been scrolling through all of your posts here and I find your pictures absolutely stunning.

    Looking at your pictures makes me want to pick up my camera right now. Thanks for the motivation!

    All the best, Mary

  • This picture makes it so easy to see that your words are true. She pays deep loving attention. Wow! She’s great. It must be really nice to be appreciated by you, too.

Another weekend, another flight.  This time to Rocky Mountain National Park.  While I was there, I decided to practice as much landscape photography as I could….and a little HDR technique.  Here are some of my favorites.  You can mouse over the pictures to get some details on how each image was created.  I’ve uploaded them as a lightbox gallery so that I could make them larger than usual.

  • Chris F
