Natalie, Greg, and their kids are regulars. I have been visiting them every few months for over two years. Usually on a Sunday. Each visit starts around 9am with a pancake breakfast, prepared lovingly by Greg while I break out my gear and start shooting….whatever. Between shutter presses, I hear about what’s new with them. I catch them up on whats new with me. Occasionally my girlfriend comes along to hang out, have some pancakes, and assist me. Sometimes, like this Sunday, we take a field trip. And I just keep shooting. It turns out to be kind of a Day in the Life of their family (completed in 2 hours). And its just a LOT of fun. After photographing them so often, we’ve entered the realm when it just gets really good: the children know me and are always ready and willing to play, I spend almost no time thinking about my gear, I already know where the best light can be found. There are no nerves in the entire home. I can be creative. And they can be their beautiful selves. I hope that it shows.
…and a visual shout out to the very capable assistant!
Such handsome men! And the images are spectacular. Well done.
(Although I have to agree with Maurice – you complain about San Francisco?? Dude. Never move to Houston.)
FAB pics… we were at ocean beach yesterday too. SF ruleZ.
Lovely, Dana! And I need those sneakers. 😉
Nice, guys. Jealous. As usual.
What do you complain about in SF? The parking??