I know I should delete more photos. I know it. Dealing with too many at once slows down my machine, I can’t tag them all before filing them away, and literally 95 out of 100 never get seen more than once. But every deletion party has its rediscoveries. Moment’s when I wonder what I was thinking to have passed over a certain shot the first time around. Maybe I thought another in the series was better. Or it wasn’t what I thought the client might like. Or maybe I’m just in a different mood. While deleting 1200+ images last night, as each called out to be spared for the chance at a future moment of fickle fondness, I was stopped in my tracks by this portrait. The wall’s textures, the dramatic shadows, the highlights in Lisa’s hair…I love it all. For some reason, I moved right past it the first time around. It didn’t even make it to the second round. Totally unconsidered. Oh well. Today, its a winner. I can’t say that my mood always impacts what I like to look at, but what I just described happens often enough for me to know that it definitely plays a part. And that’s one of the things that I love about photography…one of its most powerful little secrets. Like any language, you can learn as much or more about the person behind the camera as the subject if you “talk” to their photos long enough.