To celebrate the holiday, I decided to shoot today entirely using a technique that I’d never tried: freelensing. It’s basically shooting without the lens physically attached to the camera. Instead, the lens is held close to the lens mount, tilted, manually focused, and, in my case, prayed over…all in hopes of getting something interesting. The effect is somewhat similar to what can be done with a tilt shift lens: the focal plane can be manipulated all over the frame (and even back and forth in the Z-dimension) depending on how the lens is held and focused. So far I would describe the technique as “impossible.” But I did like a few images from today, including a couple of rare shots of my sister. All images were taken with a 50mm lens wide open at f/1.4.

I love this image, because its CRAZY to shoot at f/1.4, from this close, and have both her chin AND her eyelashes in focus. Awesome.

This image was actually taken the “normal” way, with the lens attached. But I always love images of my niece, so it somehow found it way into this post