Sometimes the most fun shoots are just spontaneous. Shauna, in addition to being a PhD, a hip-hop lover, and an Under Armor-sponsored health and fitness expert, is a good friend of mine. We went up to San Francisco looking for some cool art to shoot in front of and we found it on Bryant Street. Shauna spent two hours exhausting herself so that I could take a few pics. Along the way, we befriended the FedEx guy, got advice from a stranger who insisted that I had no idea what I was doing, and were encouraged to “F*** Ansel; be the Malcolm X of photography!” Uhh….I’ll do my best? Thanks for being a great sport, Shauna. And for doing your best to make the rest of us look like slackers. Knowing how sore you were the next day somehow makes me feel like I got a little exercise by association. If only it could be so easy.