Rounding out my recent Moab, Utah workshop with Tyler Stableford was a day in Arches National Park. I had been there once before, but that was before photography took over my life. Utah is my absolute favorite place to be outdoors, and places like Arches are exactly why. Southeast Utah looks like another planet. Or at least my imaginings of other planets. It’s stunning. We climbed up, around, and through arches in the park…and if a picture wasn’t on the other end of some of those hikes, there is no WAY you could get me to risk my neck and my gear. Very special thanks to Tyler and his assistant, Draper White, for all their expert advice and assistance. And a very special thanks to our model for putting up with us during a very long day.

Tyler kids around about how he has no pictures of himself, but I don’t think its a joke. I decided to try to do my part by sharing a portrait of him perched inside one of the arches.