Category Archives: baby

I was lucky enough to meet and photograph this BEAUTIFUL little girl over the weekend!  Leila Louise is clearly adorable and one of the most patient 10-month olds I’ve ever met.  Thanks to Lolomi and Dennis for inviting me down to San Jose to capture these images and for being so cool during the shoot.  What made this shoot even cooler is that Lolomi is a longtime friend.  It’s a real treat to see her building a wonderful family of her own.  See you soon, Leila!

  • Johanne

    This kid is so cute – and so well captured here!

Jason and Demet welcomed Ela in December. She is a beautiful, healthy girl, and I got to meet her for her first official photoshoot. Thanks J & D for giving me the privilege!

Newborn Ela naps on the family dog

  • Absolutely adorable. We were talking the other day about the difference in our styles and how we always want to be able to shoot the way “that other photographer” does. that’s how i am feeling right now while looking at your images.